Home Jura Offers More Coffee Specialties with the ‘Giga 10’
July 31, 2023

Jura Offers More Coffee Specialties with the ‘Giga 10’

By Chandler Harvey

Managing Editor

Jura has launched the Giga 10, a coffee maker that offers a wider choice of coffee specialties than previous Jura models, with a choice of up to 35 hot and cold brew options.

The Giga 10 features two bean containers, each with its own grinder, Jura’s Cold Extraction Process and a panorama panel designed for ease of use and an intuitive operating concept. The panorama panel allows users to navigate through various options to customize the beverage from the percent of beans ground from each bean container, size, intensity, ratio of coffee to milk and more.

The machine brews a full range of hot drinks from espresso to flat white and offers cold brew specialties through the Cold Extraction Process. Cold water is slowly pulsed through freshly ground coffee under high pressure to create a unique taste experience that is refreshing and energizing with a balanced aroma, said the company. The Giga 10 also delivers hot water after different temperatures for different types of tea or an Americano.

The Giga 10 has WiFi Connect which makes it compatible with J.O.E., the Jura Operating Experience, and an app for operating the machine from a smartphone or tablet, allowing users to personalize their beverages, initiate brewing and view maintenance instructions and videos.

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